SEO Services

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SEO Services

SEO Services

We Provide Search Engine Solutions
SEO Services

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SEO Services Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad - Soft Corn

About SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

  • What is SEO?
  • What is the need?
  • What are the benefits?
  • SEO Service Plans
  • Our Service Features
seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad

Search Engine Optimization is the Science of making a website or webpage rank high in search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing etc. for a particular set of keywords or search terms.
In this we analyze

  • Search engines algorithms [How they indexed a website in their search result].
  • Behavior of human visitors [What kind of keywords the visitors write in the search box of Google to get to a set of specific set of websites].
    seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad For example you are based in Delhi and looking for a seo company to promote your website in search engines. So the search terms you will prefer to find a SEO company in Delhi would probably be - "SEO companies in Delhi" or "SEO service provider in Delhi" or "SEO services in Delhi".
    All three of the above act as a keyword.
  • Popularity of search terms or keywords [No. of times a keyword is searched in Google for a month].

SEO services provides awesome opportunity to increase your business in the most effective way to get your website noticed by potential customers online. As your website rankings improves in search engines it becomes easily searchable in Google thus more visible, and so generates more traffic and in return more leads.
seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad We all know popularity is the key phenomenon of lead generation for any business field. When we talk about generating leads via internet SEO is the key factor as it improves your website presence and visibility in Google.
Nevertheless, higher search engine rankings can only be accomplish by top SEO experts who, like doctors, use experience, natural instincts and common sense to excogitate the most appropriate strategy of Search Engine Optimization.

seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad When search engine like Google index your website in top rankings for a specific keyword or search term, your website will come in the search results everytime the keyword will write down in the search box.
For example if your website is indexed in top rankings of Google for a keyword like "SEO services in Delhi", it will come in search results when anyone write the above mentioned keyword in search box of Google.

seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad We are providing a variety of service plans for our prestigious clients

Our SEO Services Features are

    seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad
  • It will generate wonderful online leads regarding your business
  • It will increase the popularity of your business online
  • It will help make your product a brand
  • It will help to increase your business globally
  • It will help building many potential relationships
  • It will improve your website searchability in Google
  • Efficient Marketing with Web Analytics
  • Online Competitor analysis

On-Page SEO Activities

  • Keyword Research
  • On-Page Keyword Analysis
  • Comparision With Top Ten Websites
  • Content Writing
  • Managing Title Of The Page
  • Updating Meta Tags
  • Sitemap Creation
  • Robots.txt File
  • Content Validation
  • Image Optimization
  • Link Optimization
  • Optimizing Headers
  • Optimizing Paragraphs
  • Removing Syntax Errors
  • Managing Iframes
  • Optimizing Flash Players
  • Managing Google Analytics
  • Google Maps & Language Converter
seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad

Keyword are the set of words which are used as a search term in Google and other serarch engines. Under Soft Corn keyword research we try to find out the most appropriate set of keywords which corresponds your business and which will make your website discoverable in search engines.
In this we analyze

  • Number of websites in normal search over a keyword. [Actual no. of websites on which data is present regarding that keyword]
  • Number of websites in exact search over a keyword. [Actual no. of websites which are exactly targetting that particular keyword]
    For example if you write a keyword in Google like "car supplier in India" about 29 Million results will open as normal search, about 5,370 results will open as exact search pointing the no. of sites targetting exactly this particular keyword.
  • The number of times the keyword is searched in Google in a month.
  • seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad
  • Top 10 websites targetting your preferred keyword - like their content, traffic, domain age, popularity, social media presence etc.
  • Current position of your website over your preferred keyword in comparison with the top 10 websites.

To Promote a keyword the most important criteria is that the keyword must be in the title and meta tags of the page together with the headers and content of the body. The images of that particular page must have that keyword in the alt tag. All the links of the website which points that particular page must have that keyword in the title attribute and anchor text of link.
seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad So to promote a keyword on a website, the overall website have to be optimized as per the keyword. Links, images, videos and text play the key role in promoting that keyword on the website.
Top SEO service provider companies like doctors, use natural instincts and experience to promote a keyword on a website. Soft Corn is one of such companies and gives you guranteed result.

seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad When search engine like Google index your website in top rankings for a specific keyword or search term, your website will come in the search results everytime the keyword will write down in the search box.
For example if your website is indexed in top rankings of Google for a keyword like "SEO services in Delhi", it will come in search results when anyone write the above mentioned keyword in search box of Google.

seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad We are providing a variety of service plans for our prestigious clients

    seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad

Our SEO Services Features are

    seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad
  • It will generate wonderful online leads regarding your business
  • It will increase the popularity of your business online
  • It will help make your product a brand
  • It will help to increase your business globally
  • It will help building many potential relationships
  • It will improve your website searchability in Google
  • Efficient Marketing with Web Analytics
  • Online Competitor analysis

Our SEO Services Features are

    seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad
  • It will generate wonderful online leads regarding your business
  • It will increase the popularity of your business online
  • It will help make your product a brand
  • It will help to increase your business globally
  • It will help building many potential relationships
  • It will improve your website searchability in Google
  • Efficient Marketing with Web Analytics
  • Online Competitor analysis

Off-Page SEO Activities

  • Link Submission
  • Writing Articles
  • Blog Posting
  • Blog Commenting
  • Forum Posting
  • Commenting On Existing Posts
  • Classified Submission
  • Document Sharing
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Traffic Analysis
seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad

Link submission is the phenomenon of posting your website link on other sites. This makes your website more discoverable on internet. The more your website link is distributed over internet the chance of reaching your website increases.
Under Soft Corn SEO Services we post your website link over more than 10,000 sites. These websites ranked from 1 to 5 in Google.
The benefits of link submission are

  • Increases your website visibility on internet.
  • seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad
  • Generates more traffic on your website.
Types of link submission
  • Regular link submission : Under this type of submission your website link is posted on different sites including your domain name, title and description of the page, keywords they are targeting etc. After the approval of the link submission sites admin, your site link gets visible on the submission site list.
  • Reciprocal link submission : The overall process of reciprocal link submission is almost similar to the regular link submission yet a difference is that you have to post a link given by the link submission site on your own site.

Article Submission : Under this section we write article of about 400 to 500 words regarding your business topic or your preferred keyword and submit it on different article submission sites. The necessary and important criteria is that the article should be fresh and unique means never posted on the internet before.
seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad Important things in article submission

  • Article should have an enthusiastic title
  • Keywords or tags through which the article is searchable
  • Unique and fresh content that is easily understandable
  • Link to the website
  • Images related with the topic if applicable
  • Description of the author
The prime objective of article writing is publish a content on your behalf and making it viral generating traffic and in turn quality leads for you.
Nevertheless, higher search engine rankings can only be accomplish by top SEO experts who, like doctors, use experience, natural instincts and common sense to excogitate the most appropriate strategy of Search Engine Optimization.

seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad When search engine like Google index your website in top rankings for a specific keyword or search term, your website will come in the search results everytime the keyword will write down in the search box.
For example if your website is indexed in top rankings of Google for a keyword like "SEO services in Delhi", it will come in search results when anyone write the above mentioned keyword in search box of Google.

seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad We are providing a variety of service plans for our prestigious clients

    seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad

Our SEO Services Features are

    seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad
  • It will generate wonderful online leads regarding your business
  • It will increase the popularity of your business online
  • It will help make your product a brand
  • It will help to increase your business globally
  • It will help building many potential relationships
  • It will improve your website searchability in Google
  • Efficient Marketing with Web Analytics
  • Online Competitor analysis

Our SEO Services Features are

    seo services delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad
  • It will generate wonderful online leads regarding your business
  • It will increase the popularity of your business online
  • It will help make your product a brand
  • It will help to increase your business globally
  • It will help building many potential relationships
  • It will improve your website searchability in Google
  • Efficient Marketing with Web Analytics
  • Online Competitor analysis

Activities We Perform

  • Keyword Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Introducing robots.txt to different web pages
  • Optimization of internal links structure
  • Copywriting of Web Pages
  • Creation of Alt tags for images
  • Creation or modification of Title and Meta data
  • To fix broken internal links
  • Creation or Modification of a Site Map
  • Renaming of URLs
  • Testing for Web Site Load time
  • Introducing nofollow attribute
  • Checking of Browser Compatibility and Resolution
  • Implementation of Google Webmaster Tools
  • Creation of Quality Links
  • Implementation of Google Analytics Tools

And finally we provide reports

  • Keyword Research – Once
  • Link Building Report – Monthly
  • Competitors Analysis Report – Monthly
  • Ranking improvement Report – Monthly
  • All types of Submission Report – Monthly

Why do you need SEO for your website?

A website is the virtual identity of a business on the Internet, so it is absolutely necessary, that it conveys relevant information about the purpose of a business to the prospective clients/customers. It is also required for the business to promote its image through Internet Marketing in the virtual world just like it does in the real world through advertising. To serve these two objectives there is a need for a professionally planned SEO process. Although the list of reasons is endless as to why a website needs to be optimized a few important ones are listed below:

  • Better visibility in the world of Internet
  • Increases organic traffic
  • Better Ranking on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc
  • Paid ads on search engines can be very expensive while SEO can be done at affordable prices
  • Increases Business profits by increasing the conversion rate on websites
  • Manual SEO process ensures genuine traffic to the website

Why we are different?

  • We don"t do anything without proper research and strategy - we have a very human approach to search engine optimization.
  • We study our client"s market and do proper competitors research.
  • We don"t do the spam.
  • We don"t do any cloaking; we follow content focus web site optimization process.
  • We don"t spam the search engines by keyword stuffing, over submitting, hiding text, submit numerous web pages created specifically for the search engines and not for viewers.
  • We don"t use any automated submission software or any automated tools, we believe in careful control by human or our submission process and follow all the rules & regulations set by the individual search engine and directories.

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